Love. Laugh. Learn. A fun journey with Little Ones. A beautiful life with Loved Ones. A crafty mind to inspire my Young Ones.
Monday, December 31, 2012
2012 Flashback. 回顾2012
Hello 2013.
It's finally 2013, happy new year to everyone!
This blog is really young, only 4.5 months old. I started it with the intention to share the fun and creative activities with my little ones, with the little hope that someone may find it useful, and at the same time I have a diary of the important milestones on my kiddos' development.
Somehow, it manifested to more than that. It's now a mixture of the fun activities with my duo, and online collection of my craft and design work for my loved ones. Looking back, I have achieved quite a fair bit within such a short time frame. *a pat on my own shoulder*
Here are the photo collage of what I've done.
Handmade for my Little Ones
More Mommy-brand Toddler Wear
Handmade Toys and Home Improvement projects
More Soft Toys and Accessories
Not to bad for a newbie I guess. :)
I look forward for more years of joy and purposeful life with my little ones, and it's and honor to have you staying on with us along this journey.
Once again, happy new year and may the Lord bless you and your loved ones abundantly.
Copyrights © Pui Hua and Fun With Little Ones, 2012 - present. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of any materials/photos within this website without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Pui Hua and Fun With Little Ones with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Re-purposed Little Boy's Pants in 45 minutes
Another new year approaching, time to clean up the wardrobe to make way for new clothes. But wait, instead of throwing the old clothes away, why not re-purpose some of them?
Since my little boy had been enquiring when I'm going to make him new pants (he had outgrown the previous ones I made for him), I decided to make a little transformation with my big guy's old shorts. He lost quite some weight lately and many of his sports pants are getting loose, the fabric is of good quality as these are mostly branded sports attire.
So, my first transformation project from home, began. (tutorial is available at the end of this post)
This was my big guy's shaggy Reebok shorts and on the left is my little boy's existing pants which I used as blueprint.
After 45 minutes of cutting and sewing, this was the outcome - a trendy new pants for my little Ethan, completed with 2 front pockets and embroidered with his name. I converted the existing appliqués on the pants into square pockets, look pretty good, don't they?
My little handsome tried out his new pants the next morning, see how happy he was..
It feels good to create something good out of some 'old junk' with no extra cost involved. Best of all, my little boy was really excited as he got a new pants made by mommy, he was all smiling when I showed him his pants :)
Now sewing has a new purpose.
Go green, go re-purpose!
Update: interested to start a re-purpose project too? Check out the tutorial here.
Copyrights © Pui Hua and Fun With Little Ones, 2012 - present. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of any materials/photos within this website without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Pui Hua and Fun With Little Ones with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Making Pizza Together 一起做披萨!
Since its school holiday and we were on year end break, my little niece and nephew came over for an overnight stay. The kiddos had great fight that night pretending to be Obiwan Kenobi and Darth Vader with their full size light sabers, and I got some time to do my craft work :)
The next morning we had some fun time making pizza together. I pre-prepared the pizza dough and ingredients for the toppings, heat up the oven then invite the kids to join me.
Here are the simple toppings. I put everything in separate bowls so they can decide what to sprinkle onto their pizza. Ethan and CJ shared one pizza while SY got to work on the rectangular pizza all by herself.
The trio were busy at work.
It was a happy session, see, all in smile. :)
Baby Claire was sitting in her high chair next to the dining table, observing.
The pizza doughs were ready for the oven...
Ta da... They're done, golden crispy and smelling really tempting!
The trio enjoying the fruit of their hard work... All pieces happily snapped up.
Big Guy and I had some peaceful time together enjoying our pizza while the kids ate their pizza and watching cartoon together. So it's an activity everyone get to enjoy after all. :)
Do consider adding this to your next party activity list, I guarantee all kiddos will like this. Just make sure everyone wash their hands before they start working on the pizza, and prepare a clean kitchen towel within your reach.
Almost forgot, the recipe for the thin crust pizza is available here, my foodie blog on food for little ones, and of course big ones alike,
That's all folks, happy holiday!
Copyrights © Pui Hua and Fun With Little Ones, 2012 - present. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of any materials/photos within this website without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Pui Hua and Fun With Little Ones with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Multi-Purpose Chair Covers for Little Ones (多功能小孩椅套)
Since I've took time off for year end, I decided to do a little home improvement project again. This time, I'm making a chair cover for my little boy which functions as stationery storage and padded back cushion too. Now my little ones can enjoy more comfortable seat. :)
It looks simple, but functional. I used Ethan's favorite hearts print fabric again.. Nicely matched with the white chair base :) I used blue lining to outline these little pockets.
I can put lots of stationery in the pockets, even his books! No more messy table top, yay!
It's similar concept as my previous custom-made headboard cover, but in smaller scale and is slip on.
This was how the IKEA children chair originally looks like.
Now I'm going to make a second one with orange lining for my little girl too, see ya!
Done.. The second chair cover for my little girl, to put her soft toys that often just lie around on our sofa. Now they have a proper space. :)
PS: If anyone is interested with a tutorial, please a comment else I'm kinda lazy this round..
Copyrights © Pui Hua and Fun With Little Ones, 2012 - present. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of any materials/photos within this website without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Pui Hua and Fun With Little Ones with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Christmas Special: A Surprise Gift for My Little Boy (Part 2)
I'm definitely behind schedule for Ethan's surprise Christmas present, but I am really so closed to completing it...
Here's a sneak preview of the exterior, just need some finishing and it can be fold up into what I called, Ethan's Clubhouse!
Front entrance, complete with house no plate and 2 little sunflowers.
Back of the house - Decorated Christmas tree and look who's peeking? :)
Side wall, where a wooden swing is hung onto the big tree... A personal playground.
Another side wall with ballon family, symbolizing our little family :)
Why I called this a special gift? Because its embroidered with his name, and completed with a "designer label". :)
Hopefully I can find time to sew on the zap-on tonight and will still be in time before Christmas ends.. And I certainly hope my little boy will love this gift with mummy's love, and sweat.
Copyrights © Pui Hua and Fun With Little Ones, 2012 - present. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of any materials/photos within this website without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Pui Hua and Fun With Little Ones with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Simple Fun Time with Spirograph 儿时玩意:定规
It seems like a phenomenon nowadays that wherever we go, be it cafe, clinics, dinner... All the kids have an iPad, smart phone or PSP in hands, the adults? Busy surfing or Facebook-ing on their phones as well.
While I truly think Steve Job was a revolutionary thinker whose design and vision changed the world, I'm against children being exposed to those gadget all the times. Many I met lack the interactive skills and social-ability, they are all active only when facing the screens... Honestly, not very healthy in my humble opinion. So, I tried my best to introduce more interactive games to my little ones whenever possible, to reduce the dependency on these gadgets. It's not easy, trust me, being in a family flooded with "temptation". :)
I source for fun, basic, interactive game consciously, and Spirograph has been one of the items on my to-buy list for sometimes. Toy stores sell it at such an overprice rate that I truly think is a ripe off. But finally, I found it at a nearby store with a really reasonable price, so I got few (as backups) and we had a good half an hour of fun time drawing at the Starbucks.
My little boy spotted wheel, daisy, orange, mushroom in his drawing.. What about you?
He was so into it...
Even hub could not resist to join the fun. In fact he is a much better artist that I am, when he's not working.
This is how a Spirograph looks like.
This was one of my fun time activity during my childhood, I'm glad I get to play with my own kid now. It's good to be back to basic sometimes. :)
Copyrights © Pui Hua and Fun With Little Ones, 2012 - present. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of any materials/photos within this website without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Pui Hua and Fun With Little Ones with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Christmas Special: A Surprise Gift 特制圣诞礼物
I'm working on a special gift for my little boy, it's been going on for nights as I only have about 30-60 minutes to spare every alternate nights due to the long working hours lately, but I'm really excited and look forward for the outcome.
I'm only 50% completed now, still a long way to go and I certainly hope I can make it in time for Christmas, which is only 3 days away... >.<
Here is a peek of what I have been up to, they are apart of something big... Real big.
Curious to find out what the special gift is about? The answer will be revealed in 3 more days.... *fingers crossed*
Copyrights © Pui Hua and Fun With Little Ones, 2012 - present. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of any materials/photos within this website without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Pui Hua and Fun With Little Ones with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
What's Your Parenting Style?
When I was first conceived with my elder boy, hub and I had no idea on parenting principles, I just knew what I didn't want but not what I wanted nor what I should do. For example, I knew I don't want to be a nagging mom, don't want to use force over my kiddo and I don't want him to be a spoilt brat and the list goes on. I kept showering him with lots of love and care until one day I realized he knew how to manipulate the situation to his advantage and starting to use crying as a weapon. He was hardly even 1 year old then.
Hub and I both acknowledged the need to assert disciplinary rules while its not too late. So after some research, he got a video on Focus On the Family by Dr James Dobson and both of us watched it together.
A few key guidance learnt from the video that benefited us in coaching our little boy later on and most importantly, it set both of us on same footing on educating our kids (we are now applying same principles on our baby girl). Besides, I've also been reading other parenting books to ensure I am well-informed to bring up my boy with confident. Childhood is shorter than it seems so I certainly do not want to do it on trial-and-error basis with my little ones.
The Expert's Views....
Here are some of the books that I find helpful in parenting. While the content may not be all well accepted and in fact I disagree to some of the authors' points, I value the researched facts and useful information, among the books are:
- Raising Boys, by Steve Biddulph (教出好孩子). This book helped me realized why my little boy appeared rather shy when he was 2 years old compared to other girls of his age. Besides, it made me realized that I shall step aside sometimes and let daddy to play his part in teaching our boy, instead of trying to take control of everything by myself (yes, I can be control freak at times but I am consciously working on that...). Both parents play important roles in different stages of a boy's life and we shall acknowledge the differences and learn to handle more adaptively.
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Raising Boys, by Steve Biddulph |
- Focus On the Family by Dr James Dobson, you may refer to the website here for more parenting tips from newborn, toddlerhood to preschoolers and teens.
- Family First, by Dr Phil McGraw. Well, I didn't exactly read his book but having watched the video and his website I did learnt some useful insights. Do take a read on his post about Biggest Parenting Mistakes, which is some of the common complaints that most parents faced.
- There was another early children education book that was loaned to me by a friend who's a prominent educator in Malaysia (I cannot find it anywhere in our house and can't recall the title neither..). It opened up my mind to broader understanding on early development for children and it had a huge impact on the education approach I choose to adopt on my boy. I bought the German educational sets, Phinken Primar, Phinken and several other educational materials instead of sending him to those popular right brain development classes in town. I did attended a right brain development trial class with him when he was around 8 months old and I concluded that parents will always be the best couch in earlier stage of a child's life. They were quite a costly investment but a good and worthy one.
- Baby Center community website, I subscribed as a member since I was pregnant with my elder child. It offers useful tips for pregnant moms and continue to send useful weekly newsletter after the child is born. I find the website informative as it provides child development advices / suggested activities according to the child's age. While I do not take all the information as-is, it is useful for me to gauge how my kids perform according to the general pool.
My Views...
Allow me to share my digested thought from some of these reading materials, these are my humble point of view and I do expect some of you may disagree with me. So, please read this only as a point of sharing and I do welcome constructive feedback or sharing.
- We make our ground rules clear to our boy and make sure we mean it. Eg, whenever I allow Ethan to play the iPad or any games, I'll tell him he has X minutes or has to stop by what time. Although he has yet to master the concept of time, he understands when I say times up, he has to stop and return the unit to me (sometimes I set alarm on my iPhone to alert him). If he fails to comply, he will get his punishment, either no more game for a week or at times a light spanking on the palm. Setting rules let Ethan understand what are the boundaries and he learns to be responsible over his act. This has been working well for us so far and we do not faced major misbehavior issue with him since then.
- Always praise him for good effort to assure him that he had done the right things. We praised for the action and not him, example, I'll say "thank you for tidying up your own toys just now, mommy is proud of you.", instead of just saying "clever boy!". The same we'll do when he does something wrong.
- Be a role model and walk the talk. If I expect my little boy to read more and spend less time on TV, I, in the first place, have to be seen enjoy reading. I know people who complaint their kids spent a lot of time on games and hardly flipping any books, and honestly I am not surprise why that happened. No offense to anyone but this is the similar saying of "you are what you eat".
- Most importantly, whatever mistakes that our kids may have made, and that we may or may not had punished him/her, we always assure our little boy that while we are disappointed with his action, we always love him being who he is. This is to ensure he knows that he has our unconditional love as parents, it's important as part of his confident building. I saw parents who would threaten the kids for misbehaving by saying things like "mommy don't love you if ...." or "mommy don't want you if ....", honestly such acts will only damper the child's self confident and have the uncertainty / anxiety of losing the love from the person he / she care most in the world. Remember, at such young age, we parents or guardians are the only support that our kids can count on, we are the shoulders that they can lean on no matter what happen. Knowing that we are always on their back, our little ones will eventually gain the confident to explore into new boundaries and attempt greater challenges.
- Know clearly what you want to achieve as a parent, not what you don't know. If I tell you don't think of a pink elephant, what's the thing that appear in your mind? A pink elephant, isn't it?:) So, start thinking what sort of parent you want to be. Hub and I have a clear understanding, we want our kiddos to be happy, confident, caring, enjoy learning and hopefully with good leadership. We may not have achieve all that but we will definitely do our best by planting the right seeds in him.
I am not writing this post thinking that I'm a good parent. No, no, please don't get me wrong. I am just sharing what had been working for us and our little boy, and hoping that these sharing maybe useful to some new parents or caretaker out there.
Lastly, as there are various schools of thought on parenting methods, I understand everyone may share a different view and preference when it comes to bring up their precious little ones, and there is no one method that suits everyone as not all kids / parents are the same. Personally, I would think that so long the method works for both parents and child, where it creates a harmonious relationship within the family and the child is happy and have self-confident, it is a good method to keep. So, do your research and adopt a path that suits you and your partner.
Seeing my little boy grows up happily and with confident is the most that I can ever ask for. Happy parenting! :)
Copyrights © Pui Hua and Fun With Little Ones, 2012 - present. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of any materials/photos within this website without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Pui Hua and Fun With Little Ones with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Fun With Music - Let's Play Piano! 认识音乐第一章
When Ethan was around 18 months old, we bought him a Casio keyboard. Since the price was rather reasonable, we figured it's more worth it to get him a real functioning keyboards instead of a toy keyboard.
Ethan really loved it, he can sit and practice all by himself until he finally got the right tune. In particular, he was working hard to get "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" right, and he finally did. I can still recall the sparkles in his eyes when he played that song to me and hub for the first time, he was so proud and pleased with himself that he kept asking us, "is it nice?". We too, were feeling proud of him.
Soon after, he learnt to pluck the same song on his little ukulele bought by Daddy, it's a really lovely handcraft ukulele with a bear shape halo in the center. That's when hub and myself decided that he is probably ready for some music lessons.
Unfortunately, when we asked around few music centers, we were told the enrollment age was 4 years old and some suggested to let him try out music appreciation class, so we let him attended a 30 min trial session, where a group of small kids did clapping, body movement, tapping maracas etc under the direction of an instructor... He clearly did not enjoyed that so we decided not signed up and let him continued with self exploration under our guidance. This is to stick to our principal - we want him to enjoy what he does, not to do the things because we wanted him to.
Until one fine day, I passed by a nearby Yamaha school and I noticed they offer holiday class of 30min with choice of musical instruments from piano to guitar and drum for RM29 (weeekdays) and RM40 (weekends) per lesson. So I thought, no harm to give Ethan a try and see if he likes the class and is interested to start attending piano lesson.
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Ethan during first piano lesson - learning to use bot left and right hands. |
He was 3.5 yo then, and to my surprise, he totally enjoyed the class despite he was rather shy at first. The music teacher was obviously experience in handling young kids and managed to break the ice with Ethan, so eventually he opened up his heart and let the music flew freely.
It's been more than 4 months now and he still happily attend the classes every weekend, does his practice and homework at home (we got him an electronic piano). Even I got to learn the basic since parent is allowed to accompany the child, from chord recognition, note reading to playing simple songs; so it is indeed a fun activity that both mommy and son enjoyed. :)
In the middle of his lesson while teacher stepped out, he paused to let me snap a picture :)
So here I am now, sitting on the side of the piano watching my little handsome playing "We Wish You A Merry Christmas". It's amazing to see his determination to learn, memorise and to have the discipline to practice by himself (albeit we often had to remind him to complete his homework, after all who likes homework? ;)
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Ethan practicing at night.. Some how this picture really touched my heart, I admired his self-initiative at such young age. |
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One can easily tell how much he enjoyed his lesson judging from his smile.. |
Sharing from My Experience
To end this post, here are my sharing with parents who cannot decide if its right time to enroll their kids into music lessons:
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Doing his course work |
That's all folks. This post comes from the point of view of a music novice mommy, I welcome constructive feedback for the benefit of myself and other readers. Otherwise I hope you find this useful :)
Last Note...
This is only the beginning of Ethan's music journey and I'm determined to let him continues for as long as he remains interested. I do not expect him to be a great musician, but knowing how to play a musical instrument is definitely a useful skill, besides it helps to build patience and most importantly, music is food for our souls, just like reading. Since the fee is reasonable and my little boy had fun, I don't see a reason not to continue :)
Phew, what a long post... If you've read this far, thank you for reading and hope you find something useful here..
Copyrights © Pui Hua and Fun With Little Ones, 2012 - present. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of any materials/photos within this website without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Pui Hua and Fun With Little Ones with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Handmade Pretty Hair Clips for My Baby Girl 可爱小女孩发夹
I was addicted to making hair clips for my baby Claire that I made all these within a week. It started with the Christmas theme hair clip, then I just couldn't stop from there onwards. :)
These are the simple classic design. Which is your favorite? My personal favorite is the light blue polka dots with ladybird. Look stunning on dark color hair... So are the red ones. In fact, all of them look good on my baby :)
These are the floret hair clips that comes in bigger size, the rainbow hair clip looks pretty good when I tried it onto my baby,like a rainbow glowing over her :) I'm planing to make more Minnie in different colors, and perhaps some Hello Kitty ones too.
I love the vibrant colors of the rainbow hair clip. The colors are arranged in correct sequence ;)
Baby Claire wearing her Rainbow hair clip, pretty!
Happy making all these and playing with different combinations, if only I have more accessories! Well, not all these are for baby Claire, some will be pressie for my pretty niece and closed friends who appreciate hair clips..
If you would like to make these for your little girls, I would recommend you add a layer of wrapping around the spiky clip to ensure comfort. Like what I did here.
I didn't make a tutorial this time as I was too indulged in making them and it's challenging to take pictures when you have glue over your fingers :) You may refer to which have a detailed pictorial guide (I did not followed all the steps thou).
I still have a dozen of empty hair clips available, if you would like to order any these I can accept small orders only:
- For the small classic design comes with little ladybird / tiny floret / pearl / star, RM3.50 each
- For the snowflakes floret hair clips, RM5.50 each
- For Rainbow / Minnie floret hair clip RM6.50 each (and Kitty too)
Prices above exclude postage. Please factor about RM3.50 for postage within Malaysia via PosLaju.
Note: I'm not doing this for the money, I have a pretty well paid full time job. I'm doing this for the fun of crafting and sharing them with those who appreciates them but with my cost & time covered. So please don't feel obligated, only if you genuinely like my designs. :)
Copyrights © Pui Hua and Fun With Little Ones, 2012 - present. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of any materials/photos within this website without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Pui Hua and Fun With Little Ones with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Custom-Made Bed Headboard Cover (with tutorial) 自制床头套
Thinking to have a makeover for your bedroom? This is one of the quickest and cheapest way to give an immediate face lift. No buying of new furniture, re-painting nor installing of bulky stuff. Only small budget and easy "installation" required.
Since few months back, big guy and I had agreed to replace our headboard as the PVC board was peeling off like snowflakes and recently my baby girl loved to peel them with her little fingers. I was worried she may have accidentally swallowed some of the tiny drop out pieces.
Unfortunately, we did not managed to find time for headboard shopping, so when we finally made time to visit IKEA store one night, it suddenly struck me that I could have just make a cover instead of buying a brand new headboard!
So I did. And see what I have made within the night after putting my duo to bed. I'm feeling good about this, my first self made home improvement project. *grin*

This is a simple but really practical design. The cover can be easily removed for washing and fit perfectly. Even my big guy was impressed with the work (he was doubtful at first but supportive).
Of course I did not do this blindly out of rush, I worked out the design in my mind and sketched it out on a piece of paper to better visualise it. Here's my ingenious design *thick face*

Translated to this...
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The headboard cover, complete view. |
I like the print on this textile which gives it a contemporary look.
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The simple natural print on the textile |
Storage is super easy, just fold it up into B4 size and chuck it anyway in your shelve.
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The folded cover |
Here's the tutorial if you wish to make one or two at home. Just remember to give credit to my humble blog, thank you. :)
Tutorial for Headboard Cover
1. Choose the textile that matches your room color and theme. Make sure you used thick cotton fabric, add a layer of form padding if you like the extra comfort but I skipped that as I'm covering it over my existing headboard.
TIPS: pre-wash your fabric before sewing as it may shrinks a little after washing.
2. To ensure correct fitting, measure your headboard as per showed in picture above (marked as A). You need 3 readings: length, width and height.
3. Next, translate the measurement to layout on your fabric (refer to B in the sketch above). Make sure you leave an extra 2" for seam. Cut the fabric and make sure you plan out the front and back facing prints before you lay your scissor.
4. Sew all the hem using matching thread. Finishing is depending on your preferred design. Here, I used Velcro for easy wear-on of the cover, you may choose to use buttons, string, or just sew it fixed. I prefer this design because despite easy wear-on, it's convenient for washing and drying too. Besides, it can easily fit onto different size headboard, be it a king or queen size bed.
There you go, these are all steps to have a chic looking headboard cover of your choice.. Easy bitsy.
The Best Has Yet To Come...
Now that you have read this far, let me present to you my little invention - the i-Pocket!
It's the invisible pockets added to the back of the headboard for convenient storage of cables and gadgets like iPhone, iPad, controllers, etc. So they are now within the reaching distance of my bed, isn't that cool? *super happy mode*
This is how the individual pockets look like, in L and M sizes.
*Updated* The below offer is no longer available. Thanks for the inquiries.
If you are feeling lazy to go through all the hard work, here's an alternative option. Since I'm planning to make one more set for my regular usage, I would accept custom order for this.
Recommended Price for the Headboard Cover:
Bed Frame Size | Standard Length | Price |
Single / Super Single | 39" x 26" (86 cm x 57 cm) | RM 80.00 |
Standard Queen | 60" x 26" (132 cm x 57 cm) | RM 110.00 |
Standard King | 76" x 26" (168 cm x 57 cm) | RM 120.00 |
Important Notes:
- Design is as per illustrated above, with no foam padding, excludes the I-Pocket.
- Price may differ depends on the chosen fabric.
- All prices exclude delivery and only for standard headboard (rectangular shape that is). Do expect about RM 8 for delivery within Malaysia (the fabric is quite heavy), otherwise subject to your country of shipping.
Only limited orders will be accepted as I have minimal capacity with a full time job and 2 kiddos. Do let me know your preferred color, motif and allow at least 1 week for material sourcing and 1 more week for commissioning and completion of work ya..
Till later, thanks for stopping by!
Copyrights © Pui Hua and Fun With Little Ones, 2012 - present. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of any materials/photos within this website without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Pui Hua and Fun With Little Ones with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
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