Few of my best buddies gave birth recently or giving birth soon, what a baby bloom year! I have been thinking hard what unisex handmade that I can make to welcome the new babies, I was rather clueless. Then, idea struck when I saw E's birthday card from his grand aunt from Down Under - a Polkadot Dino card, that should works for either boys or gjrls!
The idea transformed into these.. Little Dino Pals!
Made some hair clips too for my little ballerina.
The colorful ribbon loops make great stimulus for the babies' eyes. Newborns love vibrant colors and huggable softies. I opted for 100% cotton fabric so these little cloth Dinos are hand-washable.
Slip in a plastic ring, the Dino is ready to hang on the stroller or baby mobile. *smile*
Which is your favorite?
Yellow (and green) Polkadot Dino... (Already found a new home)
Red Stripy Dino... (already grabbed by my little C who happily hugged it to sleep every night..)
Sleepy Owly Dino... (In need for a new home!)
[The Give Away is now closed]
[The Give Away is now closed]
As a thank you gesture to all FWLO's fan, we would like to deliver this Dino Pal to a little baby who may enjoys a new companion.
How to Win?
If you would like to have a chance to take home this cutie for your cutie pie, just visit FunWithLittleOnes's Facebook page, LIKE the page and comment "xxx really liked the Dino.." Where xxx is your little one's name. C and E will pick the lucky owner.
This contest is only opened for those residing in Malaysia only, and the postage will be on us too. *smile*
Hello from the Dino Pals..
Copyrights © Pui Hua and Fun With Little Ones, 2012 - present. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of any materials/photos within this website without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Pui Hua and Fun With Little Ones with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.