Sunday, September 1, 2013

Toddler Pants for Little Handsome!

My little handsome had been asking for some mommy made apparel refently, well, i can understand why he requested so as I have been sewing quite a few dresses for the little sisters recently but none for him. So, I managed to buy  some fabrics for making toddler pants recently, to be specific, linen and corduroy, and they turned out pretty well. My little captain was sprouting tall recently like the magic beans and many of his long pants had became 3 quarters pants by now, so these 2 new additions are done in just in time.

The corduroy pants in light brown with two deep pockets. This shall be suitable for casual or formal wear.

With a pair of Mickey buttons, his favorite.

The back of the pants, with a pair of pockets and of course, my Pea Hatch label! :)

I made a little pattern for the pockets for that designer feel. :)

Here's another casual pants made of blue linen fabric, as chosen by my little captain. I used a lighter blue for the pocket for fun since this is a kid pants, and fold up for the bottom. This way, I'm sure the pants can last him for another year or more. :)

The back of the pants, with simple pockets design and belt holders.

Simple mommy made pants for my little handsome. He got his mommy made pants, and I got my crafty bugs satisfied :)

If you are interested to get a custom made pants for your little ones with his of hers name embroidered onto it, I am happy to assist with a small fee since I am now on a temporary career break. ;-)

Copyrights © Pui Hua and Fun With Little Ones, 2012 - present. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of any materials/photos within this website without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Pui Hua and Fun With Little Ones with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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