Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Fun with Leaves.. A walk in the garden

I took a day off from work for some errands today and I managed to settle the stuff earlier than expected. Since the weather was nice and not too hot, I invited my duo to join me for a walk in the garden, and we picked some leaves and rocks along the way. 

Don't you just love the vibrant greens?

I then requested baby C to sort out the leaves by sizes, from smallest to largest. She happily obeyed as this was something new to her, and new is always fun.

Next we got a bowl of water and taught them the concept of weight and gravity, heavy and light.. Naturally only the rock sink... The duo were busy running around picking more leaves to see which float which doesn't. Good exercise for them to burn the energy.

I could have used a big bucket but it may be too messy (imagine water splashing every where!) and a bit dangerous if my girl starts playing with big bucket unsupervised. So, small bowl it is for now.

What did we do with the leaves later? I pad dried them and glued them onto a piece of paper with the help of my little captain, then I drew a big heart and called it the heart of life. He continued to draw all the tiny objects around the big heart and colored them. I quite like the final outcome despite it's really just a random piece of work.

A simple, relaxing afternoon with the little people I love, and I certainly hope they remember what they have learnt today. 

Guess we may do this again on weekend with our mini wadding pool this time... can't wait!

Copyrights © Pui Hua and Fun With Little Ones, 2012 - present. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of any materials/photos within this website without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Pui Hua and Fun With Little Ones with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


  1. We have this on art class before, but we used dried leaves. We put it under a white paper then colored the surface of the paper. The shape of the leaves were embossed and I enjoyed it. I think my daughter and I will do that.

    1. You reminded me I used to make similar dried leaves artwork when I was a kid myself, a good part 2 with my duo, thanks :)
